See u guys at my new blog!!

How am i hanging on? What am i doing nowadays? Well, just give me a call and we can hang out and you will know then.

Anyway, I would love to share the important 3 days of life which was full of excitement, emotion and FUN FUN FUN!

This time, the SAC (Sunway ACCA Club) planned a outdoor activity at Eco Dusun Resort, somewhere in Pahang. Yes, it’s deep in the forest. Once u r in, you cant get out!!

I get to meet new friends. Meet people that i didn’t know were in my class and enjoyed a game called ‘Monopoly deal’.

First of all, i am not a story telling type of person so… ya, u got it, u ask me questions, i answer! haha.

I was in team NORAA and the team leader. Being a team leader, well, i have my strength and weaknesses. But what interest me most was my weaknesses. It takes a second opinion or 3rd person view to notice my own mistakes and weaknesses. That’s what my teammates did and helped me realise my imperfection. I truly thank them for that cause now i get to learn to be a better leader & man. At the same time, pity them as they need to endure my ‘character’ for the 3 days. haha.

In fact, all the team had the best of best world class teamwork! This is best shown in the last game -the balloon game, jungle trekking and obstacle course! Everyone helps each other whether or not they are in the team! This can be best describe as a friend in need is a friend in deed!

Noraa team!

The best team of all – EVERYONE!

I believe the spirit and passion of this SAC camp 2010 aka tribal camp will live on within everyone’s memory! It was definitely a moment to look back and say ‘it was hell of a camp!!’.

I can’t really remember myself. Anyway, here’s a little evaluation of my own.

Type : Home (Obviously)

Plan: Plus with:

-download up to 1.2 Mps

-upload up to 500 Kbps

There’s 3 light to determine your signal strength Green – Good, Orange – Average and Red – Poor.

For the first week of P1 Wimax, the signal is often green. It’s so fast till you don’t have to wait for youtube to upload. just click play and the upload is faster than you watching the video. To me, compare to streamyx, IT’S VERY FAST! muahaha.

However, for the past month or two to three weeks,  there’s been an upgrade for P1 wimax and they’ll send an email or sms apologizing the inconvenience and all. During those time, it can connect and often bad signal (red).

It was irritating though, as there is no chance to go online at all. but now, after the upgrading and all, it’s fast as usual and 99% satisfy!

1. Princess and the Frog Walt Disney's "Princess and the Frog"

2. Twilight Saga : New Moon Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward in 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon'

3. Where the Wild Things Are (2009) Max (Max Records) with K.W. (voiced by Laurn Ambrose) - "Where the Wild Things Are" (2009)

4. Sherlock Holmes (2009) Jude Law as Dr. Watson, Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler - 'Sherlock Holmes' (2009)

5. Avatar Sam Worthington as Jake Sully - "Avatar" (2009)

6. 2012 Sony Pictures' "2012"

7. Jennifer’s Body Johnny Simmons and Megan Fox in 'Jennifer's Body'

8. 9 The cast of the musical "Nine"

Of course, the few MUST watch are Avatar and 2012.

Jennifer’s Body, well, like the title said it’s just the body. Heard the story was not spectacular.

i have watched 9. it’s okay only, might be a little boring and there is no WOW impact after watching the movie. But, the idea of the story is remarkable.

Writing my blog through Windows Live Writer.

If it works, then i believe or i guess there’s a chance of a more updated blog than it is now in the future. hehe.


And i found mickey in her blog. hehe.

Well, i have nothing to give but just a little wish will do i guess? right, Ms Chiang?

But, it still keeps me wonder if i were to  study abroad. Would i turn out to be a different person as i am TODAY? would i have british accent? Will i mature faster and miss out the fun stuff of being 20?

Well, one thing for sure is I will miss MALAYSIAN FOOD! family and friends and the ‘dependant life of living with your parents’. (just thinking about food makes me hungry!). Then again, i might just miss the FOOD –  is cheap! has variety! the best part, it’s Un-healthy! haha

The wise Han Xin did once said : ‘Eat all you can while you are at your 20s!’ hahaha. ‘Time won’t stop for me, it is I who moves forward AHEAD of time.’

Flavoured Pancakes Top View

More MICKEY Pancakes!! hehehe
Picture 1 and Picture2 from Jessica Chiang's new blog.

Testing a post by email.

Did it work??


Han Xin

Today is a very special day as:

1st being on the 09/09/09.

2nd, on the 252th day of the year. 2+5+2= 9.

3rd being on the WED NES DAY having 9 letters.

sms from a friend i met during coach level 1 course


The unique number 9:

In base 10 a number is evenly divisible by nine if and only if its digital root is 9.[3] That is, if you multiply nine by any natural number, and repeatedly add the digits of the answer until it is just one digit, you will end up with nine:

  • 2 × 9 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
  • 3 × 9 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
  • 9 × 9 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)
  • 121 × 9 = 1089 (1 + 0 + 8 + 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9)
  • 234 × 9 = 2106 (2 + 1 + 0 + 6 = 9)
  • 578329 × 9 = 5204961 (5 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9))
  • 482729235601 × 9 = 4344563120409 (4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9))

so, no matter what, it always ends with 9!!

From wikipedia

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